Friday, July 9, 2010

Amman City

Across the road from the apartment we are temporarily staying is this huge building still under construction. There has been a few holdups - the crane fell over, a floor collapsed - killing a/some workers. Whew.. hope we're safe!
This was part of the old city siq / little shops we walked around this week. No shortage of fresh fruit and veges and a little cheaper than in NZ. We had lunch in a restaurant - at the table next to ours the people were munching away on half a goat's head each. I WASN'T tempted.
We walked around City Mall for 6-7 hours one day. At one end of a floor about 1/3 of it was a children's playground with bumper cars, merry go rounds, video games, roller coaster, whizzy things etc. We couldn't believe how amazing this place was! The Mall was 6 floors high but the prices were 6 times the prices I would pay!!!!

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